The Next Day: How Passion Can Affect Our Day
By: Gardenia Spiegel
Hi everyone-It’s February, and the world is very different here in California.
I started this column before the fires engulfed us. Full disclosure, I was not in a danger-zone and only suffered the minor inconvenience of a power outage. I kept my original column opening intact, below, as a visible reminder of how quickly circumstances can change, but that we can still find the resilience to move into the next day. Meet you on the other side.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Before the fires
Happy New Year everyone! Let’s get into it - This month let’s look at Passion- and how it affects our day.
The holidays swallowed me up. This is the first time as a parent that I didn’t feel that special tingle of the season, rather, a frenzied daze of scheduled events, fueled by coffee, and a socially constructed obligation to do all the things. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed catching up with old friends. I loved ice skating with my daughter under an enormous, outdoor, twinkling tree, the air full of giggles and panicked screeches..…
After the fires
None of this mattered anymore. I barely remembered the smell of cinnamon scented pine cones or the holiday chill in the air.
I came back to Passion.
My original thought was for us to examine what we were passionate about, and then to let that guide us into the new year. But I realized, I was referring to Passion in a very narrow form. Passion for ______ (fill in the blank) baking, writing, swimming, etc… Having passion for something can keep us curious and connected. Knowing we will paint after dinner, or wake up early to swim a few laps before work- it can save our lives sometimes.
But after the fires, I began to wonder, what if Passion were not so specific. What if having Passion to simply BE, rather than a vehicle for a unilateral purpose, was the guide. So let’s move into Black History Month and take power in BEING, and recognize our passion to do so.
Consider these words:
Article: Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life or Death Crisis
By: Linda Villarosa
This was the first story that put Black Maternal Health on the map for me. I was awash with outrage and stupefaction as I read about a quiet, systemic epidemic that was killing Black mothers across the United States. I also couldn’t help but realize I might have been one of those mothers that didn’t make it. Linda Villarosa is a veteran Black female journalist who has been reporting on women’s health for decades. She reminds me that we must continue the work, that there is hope. And that Black Mothers Matter. Read more here.
Book: The Miracle of Mindfulness
By: Thich Nhat Hanh
I got this from the library and read it in the mornings before I get my daughter up for school. It’s a slim volume that allows me to breath, focus, and set a peaceful tone for the day. In these challenging times, it has been a welcome moment of reflection and calm, and a reminder about what matters. Read more here.
I hope this helps you get to the next day. See you next month….g
Written by: Gardenia Spiegel, a mother, writer, and creator of Book Nook.
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