We're Having Our First Pop-Up Sale!


We're on summer watch. Mommafied is teaming up with artist and designer, Rebecca Brie, for a SUMMER POP-UP SALE! Our first in-person sale is a 2-day event this Saturday and Sunday (June 12-13, 2021) in Mid-City, Los Angeles.

I’ll be on deck with my sleep mask collection, which was inspired by my daughter. She was 6, and even then could see that I was sleep-deprived. I was juggling many responsibilities, as most moms do, and didn't prioritize my rest. She gave me a unicorn themed sleep mask, and asked me to wear it. I didn't think that it would make a big difference in the quality of my rest, so I brushed the idea off. She somehow knew what was best, and didn't let up until I gave in. I was surprised when I GOT THE BEST SLEEP I'D HAD IN AGES! After doing some research on how I could craft a better fit and overall sleep experience, we produced our own. Mommafied Sleep Masks were born! 

Sleep Mask Picture with Me.jpg

Our “Riley'“ Mask

Our sleep mask collection was inspired by my daughter.

I designed them to help busy women maximize their rest! All 3 designs are named after enterprising women in my life, including my daughter. The 'Pamela' style is currently SOLD OUT! This weekend's pop up is a SPECIAL opportunity to scoop up the few remaining masks, before we wrap the collection and start working on new fall designs.

Whether you’re getting 2 or 10 hours of sleep, our bodies produce more melatonin when it’s pitch dark. Our masks create a barrier from wiggling out of the dark, provide a natural alternative to sleep aids, and soothe you, if you have insomnia. Whether you’re snoozing, napping, meditating, or traveling, they can help! THANK YOU to everyone who has already purchased one!

Rebecca and I during our New York college days

Rebecca and I during our New York college days

We are amped to team up with Rebecca Brie for this weekend's sale. Rebecca and I go wayyy back— to kindergarten in fact. Shortly thereafter she began sketching fashion designs in her school notebook, and hasn't stopped since. After studying at NYU, she became a successful celebrity wardrobe stylist, working with entertainment and sports clients, and even an Oscar nominee. Rebecca returned to school to focus on Fashion at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and is now a blooming artist and designer.

She has an online shop that features her custom pieces. They double as art and functional goods. Her current collection, which she created at the start of the pandemic, includes a line of energy clearing candles and wallets, inspired by Harriet Tubman. She also has greeting cards, and a women's vintage clothing collection, that she's acquired from her global travels. As Rebecca put it when being interviewed by Voyage LAshe creates "Items that bring a bit of magic into one’s everyday life."   

Rebecca Brie rocking vintage gear while traveling

Rebecca Brie rocking vintage gear while traveling

I'm so excited to see Rebecca step into her creative power. "Auntie Becky," as my children call her, is truly Mommafied! If you're in L.A. this weekend, we hope that you'll stop by and celebrate summer with us! Bring the kids. Say yes to rest, pretty vintage things, and entrepreneurial ladies doing their thing! ;)

For our pop-up address, and/or to redeem 20% off of Mommafied goods, reply back to this note or email me at: chiedavis2@gmail.com with the words: GIVE ME THE GOODS! If you live outside of L.A., visit our online shops! My 20% offer on Mommafied goods is also valid online: 

Rebecca Brie
