4 Ways To Alleviate Holiday Stress
The holidays are here and the year is a wrap! How are you doing, mama? Need a wellness boost? You're not alone. According to the American Psychological Association ( APA), nearly half of ALL women in the U.S. experience high stress during the holidays. So high, that it can impact their physical and mental health. With all of the responsibilities that women and mothers juggle during this time, I’m sure you’d agree that these stats are not surprising.
Out holidaying…
Got seasonal stress? Here are 4 ways to re-center yourself and lighten your load during this time of the year:
1. Embrace Imperfection: Release the idea that everything has to be perfect. Imperfection can make us more human, spark growth and allow us to connect more deeply with others. Perfectionism can lead to being hyper focused on appearance and pleasing others. Perfection not only robs you of time and energy, it can make it hard to show up authentically for ourselves. Let it go and see how much easier it is to connect with others.
2. Think Big: Focus on what truly matters to YOU during this time of year, not what outside sources or social media may deem as important. Can you find gratitude, wisdom, or reflection in trying moments?
3. Choose Your Response: You may not be able to control people or certain happenings, but true empowerment lies within our response. Tapping into compassion, putting things in perspective and thinking deeper before responding is key.
4. Dig In: Need additional support while navigating the holidays? Don't be afraid to dig in. Don’t wait until the new year to call a therapist. Seek one out NOW. Try to keep your self-care habits intact. Movement, breathwork and practicing mindfulness may also help. Read our tips from earlier this year on: How To Actually Meditate. Remember: Self-care is not a luxury! You don’t have to justify your rest or apologize for needing more. Take it and be a more cheerful energy giver!
Still holiday shopping or want to treat yourself? Take a peek at our newly expanded Mommafied Shop. Enhance your wellness with quick grabs for body, mind and spirit. All of our finds are eco-friendly and made by women. Thanks for reading! For more tips, resources, and good energy for busy moms who want to lead healthier lives: Follow us at @getmommafied on Instagram, and subscribe to our bimonthly Mommafied Note.
*Source: John Hopkins Medicine